Zero waste Maximum taste

1/3 of food is wasted. GoNiña tackles this by providing a platform which connects restaurants, bakeries, supermarkets and other vendors with customers to save surplus food.

Penguin with a cape, standing on an iceberg

Vendor or consumer? This is how you can be part of it - in a few simple steps.

Store Icon

As a Vendor. Turn surplus food into sales.

  • Join our platform and offer surplus food to your customers at a discounted price. You will generate extra income, while reducing waste and having a positive impact on the environment
  • Enjoy attractive conditions - zero fixed costs
  • Benefit from a 🇨🇭Swiss solution fully embedded in the local ecosystem that caters to your needs
Users Icon

As a Consumer. Start saving money and the planet.

  • Discover delicious surprises on GoNiña from nearby restaurants, bakeries, supermarkets and other vendors
  • Save money by purchasing surplus and soon-to-expire goods via a Wonder Bag
  • Reduce food waste and have a positive impact on our planet

Our impact. How our community makes the world a better place - meal by meal.

Food Containers Icon


portions saved

Cloud CO2 Icon


CO2e emissions prevented


A Swiss solution you can trust.

Join us on our journey and become a vendor on GoNiña.

Sign up as a vendor
Penguin with a cape standing on an iceberg

Partnerships. Hear what our clients say about us.

«Cause We Care» ist die Initiative für Klimaschutz und nachhaltigen Tourismus. Gemeinsam engagieren sich Unternehmen der Tourismusbranche und Privatpersonen aktiv für den Klimaschutz. Setzen auch Sie sich für unsere Natur und unser Klima ein! «Cause We Care» stellt Tourismusanbietern, sowie deren Kunden, ein glaubwürdiges, finanzierbares und einfaches Instrument für wirksamen Klimaschutz zur Verfügung. Dabei sorgt «Cause We Care» dafür, dass für beide Parteien ein Mehrwert entsteht. «Cause We Care»-Unternehmen erhalten eine Plattform, um sich nachhaltig zu positionieren.

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We are all reCIRCLEr because we want a sustainable and fair society. We love to act and are therefore passionate about responsibly produced reusable products and building the network around them. Why shouldn’t we also eat and drink from high-quality packaging? We think it’s a pity to use packaging only once before throwing it away. We value our limited and incredibly valuable resources and are therefore committed to reusable packaging. Before recycling, the packaging is reused hundreds of times – that is our idea of a circular economy.

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Circular Economy Switzerland is the coordination and network platform for the Swiss circular economy movement. We are the first point of contact for questions about the circular economy and the entry point to our broad network of pioneers in this field. With our presence and activities we raise awareness amongst the general public on the topic of circular economy and also advocate at the political level for framework conditions that enable the further development of the Swiss circular economy. The network acts as a catalyst for a Swiss-wide movement with various projects and events in circular economy. Together with you, let us give the Swiss circular economy a boost.

Circular Economy Switzerland logo

In our network, we drive impactful innovations with a holistic approach for a sustainable agricultural and food landscape. Members of Swiss Food Research are passionately committed to innovative projects in line with the "One Planetary Health" concept. Members of Swiss Food Research are passionately committed to innovative projects in line with the "One Planetary Health" concept. The concept of "One Planetary Health" is based on the fact that human health is closely linked to wellbeing of animals and the environmental condition and requires holistic considerations.

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Was ist United Against Waste? Der Verein United Against Waste ist ein Branchenzusammenschluss der Schweizer Lebensmittelbranche. Er engagiert sich aktiv für eine Reduktion von Food Waste entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette. 2,8 Millionen Tonnen1 Food Waste fallen dort jedes Jahr in der Schweiz an. Diese Lebensmittelabfälle verursachen Kosten und belasten natürliche Ressourcen unnötig. Wir packen diese Herausforderung an und setzen uns zum Ziel, Lebensmittelabfall in der Branche zu halbieren. Für eine innovative und zukunftsgerichtete Branche.

United against waste logo