Zero waste maximum taste

Wusstest du, dass ein Drittel aller Lebensmittel im Müll landet? 😲 Das macht 10 % der weltweiten Treibhausgasemissionen aus! Unsere Plattform sammelt leckere Angebote von Restaurants, Bäckereien und Supermärkten, die ihre überschüssigen Lebensmittel an hungrige Food-Liebhaber wie dich weitergeben – so retten wir gemeinsam köstliche Gerichte vor der Tonne.🍕🥐

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Anbieter oder Verbraucher? So kannst du Teil unserer Mission werden.

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Als Anbieter. Verwandle überschüssige Lebensmittel in Umsatz.

  • Tritt unserer Plattform bei und biete deine überschüssigen Lebensmittel zu einem vergünstigten Preis an. So generierst du zusätzliches Einkommen, reduzierst Abfall und trägst positiv zum Umweltschutz bei.
  • Genieße attraktive Konditionen ohne Fixkosten.
  • Willst du das Problem der Lebensmittelverschwendung an der Wurzel packen? Kontaktiere uns und nutze unsere KI-gestützte Prognoselösung.
  • Profitiere von einer 🇨🇭 Schweizer Lösung, die vollständig in das lokale Ökosystem eingebettet ist.
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Als Verbraucher. Spare Geld und rette dabei die Umwelt.

  • Entdecke leckere Überraschungen auf GoNiña von nahegelegenen Restaurants, Bäckereien, Supermärkten und anderen Anbietern.
  • Spare Geld, indem du überschüssige Lebensmittel über GoNiña kaufst.
  • Reduziere Lebensmittelverschwendung und habe einen positiven Einfluss auf unseren Planeten.
  • Spare Zeit, indem du bereits fertige, leckere Mahlzeiten in Form eines Wonder Bags kaufst.

Unser Impact. So macht unsere Community die Welt besser. Wonder Bag by Wonder Bag.

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gerettete Portionen

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kg CO2e Emissionen vermieden


Eine Schweizer Lösung, der du vertrauen kannst.

Begleite uns auf unserer Reise und werde Anbieter auf GoNiña.

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Partnerschaften. Wir haben uns mit lokalen Startups, NGOs und Verbänden zusammengeschlossen, um unseren Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigeren Zukunft zu leisten.

myclimate is a Swiss-based non-profit organization dedicated to climate protection through carbon offsetting and sustainability initiatives. As part of their efforts, myclimate launched the "Cause We Care" program, which empowers businesses and individuals to actively contribute to climate protection. By partnering with "Cause We Care," service providers like us can offer customers the opportunity to do good for the planet. Together, we strive to create a more sustainable future by enabling responsible choices and tangible climate action.

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reCIRCLE is a Swiss startup committed to minimizing single-use waste by promoting reusable packaging solutions. Since its founding in 2016, reCIRCLE has provided a sustainable alternative to disposable containers commonly used in the food and beverage industry. We partnered with reCIRCLE because we firmly believe there is no place for waste of any kind on this planet. Download our app to discover our vendors and see where you can receive your meals in reCIRCLE containers.

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Circular Economy Switzerland is an initiative aimed at promoting and implementing circular economy principles throughout the country. By fostering collaboration among businesses, policymakers, and individuals, it seeks to create a sustainable, waste-free economy where resources are reused, repaired, and recycled. As a startup, we have partnered with Circular Economy Switzerland to leverage its extensive network and resources. This partnership allows us to connect with like-minded organizations committed to environmental stewardship.

Circular Economy Switzerland logo

Swiss Food Research is a leading innovation network focused on advancing the food and nutrition sector in Switzerland. By fostering collaboration between academia, industry, and startups, Swiss Food Research aims to drive innovation, sustainability, and quality within the food industry. We have partnered with Swiss Food Research to benefit from their expertise, resources, and extensive network. This collaboration enables us to connect with key stakeholders in the food industry. Together, we are committed to advancing sustainable food solutions and contributing to a more innovative future.

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United Against Waste is a Swiss initiative dedicated to reducing food waste in the hospitality and food service industries. By raising awareness, providing practical tools, and fostering collaboration, United Against Waste aims to significantly minimize food waste and promote sustainable practices. We are proud to be part of this initiative because we share the same mission of reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

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